but start a side business as a landscaper. For example, say you own a garden supply store called Garden of Steven, Inc. But “John Smith” isn’t a great business name, is it? To register a business name as a sole proprietor and keep others from using it, you’ll need to register a DBA. If you own a sole proprietorship, your legal business name is your own name. Registering a business name as a sole proprietor.For example, if your original name was Catie’s Cakes, LLC but you decide to turn your business into a sushi restaurant, you could register a DBA for the name Rock and Roll Sushi. Maybe your original business idea has changed, and you want your name to reflect that.
There are several reasons why a business owner might need a DBA, including: We’ll tell you how it works-including what you can do to protect your privacy. To use a DBA name in Ohio, you must first register it with the Ohio Secretary of State. Thank you to a customer from Ohio for that great question! A DBA (doing business as) name, also called a trade name or fictitious name, is any name used by a business other than the legal business name or the owner’s name.
How do I do this without sharing my personal information online? How to Register a DBA in Ohio Posted on Admin | June 21, 2022